Compare Similar Ryodoraku Acupuncture Products to CMAS(Cloudtcm Meridian Analysis System)
The price of AXXXraph is between $2,395- $2,795(dollars) , EXI is sold at $575- $985 . MXXD is $1000- $10000. Most similar products was sold at least more than $500 but CLOUDTCM CMAS (Cloud Meridian Analysis System) is only $200 including hardware and software. CMAS provides standalone-server version and makes a variety of graphic charts for clinical using or academic research. Please check the detail function of Standalone-server version.
what is the peice of CMAS
Hello CloudTCM
I am interested in your product. I live in the Netherlands. Is shipping of the hardware a problem and cost?
When i downloaded the software, my virus scanner warns me. Is the software safe?
Kindly regards, Anton Visschedijk